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Rabbi Arian

About the Rabbi

Rabbi Charles L. Arian

Rabbi Charles L. Arian joined Kehilat Shalom in the summer of 2012. Previously, he was the rabbi of Beth Jacob Synagogue in Norwich, CT. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York, and Hazlet, New Jersey, and received his undergraduate degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. He received his MAHL degree and his rabbinic ordination from the Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College. He has Doctor of Divinity degrees, honoris causa, from both Hebrew Union College and the Jewish Theological Seminary, and an earned Certificate in Jewish Educational Technology from JTS.  Although originally ordained as a Reform rabbi, he became affiliated with the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly while working for the Hillel Foundations.

Rabbi Arian has worked as a Hillel director and a think-tank scholar as well as a congregational rabbi. He has spoken and published widely in the area of Christian-Jewish relations. Rabbi Arian and his wife, Keleigh, are the parents of Berkeleigh, who lives in Louisville, Kentucky.


Click here to view the Rabbi's Shabbat morning sermons and discussions.

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